Thursday, February 8, 2007

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phrase of mine

To me it means the mountain: "THE TRUTH".
field "SOCIETY".
Comment it

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

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Landfill (garbage)

This article refers to the disposal of waste. For the constitutive element of the dams see Landfill Hydraulic .

uncontrolled landfills or dumps (also known in some English-speaking countries as dumps or landfills) are those places where it finally deposits the trash . These can be official or clandestine.

Contents 1 Types of landfills
2 Pollution generated
3 See also 4 External links

Landfill Landfill underground: A place that, without environmental concerns, is elected by some group human to deposit their solid waste. Are serious source of pollution , diseases and other problems.

municipal or city landfill: A landfill that under certain assumptions and studies of economic, social and environmental is assigned by the municipal governments quote. Also known as "landfill"

Pollution generated
A current traditional landfill destined waste is generated by a group or settlement human. This, usually scrambled form contains organic debris (such as food ) plastics, paper , glass, metals , paintings, canvas , diapers, batteries , and a wide variety of objects and substances considered undesirable.
The decomposition process of matter in the landfill leachate formed trailing toxic products present in the trash, and contaminate underground water, which are sometimes used for drinking and irrigation .
It released into the air significant amounts of methane gas as , CO2 (greenhouse gas responsible) or toxic gases like benzene , trichlorethylene , etc. During the
accidental or deliberate fires at landfills, is released into the atmosphere by burning chlorine products, some as toxic as dioxin , one of the most toxic substances known carcinogen declared by the World Organization Health Organization (WHO).
Despite efforts to recover the materials contained in waste, landfills still required as an infrastructure for waste disposal.
The reduction of environmental impacts, previously targeted, can be achieved by designing the landfill so as to avoid contamination of the environment in which they are located.
In this sense, should be made for the sealing of the landfill and installation of leachate collection , so as to avoid contamination water and soil.
can also prevent some impacts of landfills by recovery systems biogas produced in the decomposition of organic matter .
See also


Commons has media related Landfill (garbage) . Commons
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categories: Environmental Engineering Pollution

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Material que no representa una utilidad o un valor económico para el dueño, el dueño se convierte por ende en generador de residuos. Desde el punto de vista legislativo lo mas complicado respecto a la gestión de residuos, es que se trata intrínsicamente de un termino subjetivo, que depende del punto de vista de los actores involucrados (Essentially generator and watchdog)
The waste can be classified in several ways, either by state, home or property

state Index
A waste is defined as the physical state in which it is. There are therefore three types of waste from this point of view of solid, liquid and gaseous, it is important to note that the actual extent of this classification can be established on a purely descriptive or, as is done in practice, in the form of management associated for example a drum with used oil is considered waste, is intrinsically a liquid, but their management will be as a solid it is transported by truck rather than a hydraulic drive system.
Overall waste can also be characterized by its composition and generation characteristics.

Index origin
residue can be defined by the activity in which it occurred, it is essentially a sectoral classification.
This definition is not in practice limits on the level of detail that you can get it.
most important types of waste: municipal waste
municipal waste generation varies depending on cultural factors related to income levels, consumption patterns, development technological and quality standards of living of the population. The increasing development of the Chilean economy has brought about a considerable increase in the generation of waste. In the 60's, household waste generation amounted to 0.2 to 0.5 kg / capita / day today however, this figure is between 0.8 and 1.4 kg / capita / day.
sectors generate higher income per capita increased volumes of waste and this waste has built more value than those from poorer segments of the population.
industrial waste
The amount of waste generated by industry is a function of technology the production process, quality of raw materials or intermediate products, physical and chemical properties of the used auxiliary materials, fuels and packaging process. Mining waste
include mining waste materials are removed to gain access to minerals and all waste from the mining process. In Chile and the world production statistics are quite limited. Currently, the copper industry is committed to the implementation of appropriate management of these wastes, which is expected in the near future to have proper statistics.
hospital waste: Currently
management Hospital waste is not the most appropriate in the absence of clear regulations in this regard. The management of this waste is carried out at the generator and not under a decentralized system. At the level of hospital wastes are usually sterile.
The composition of hospital waste residue ranges from residential and commercial medical waste containing such hazardous substances.
According to the Integrated Waste Management Board California USA medical waste is defined as one that is composed of waste that is generated as a result of:
a) treatment, diagnosis or immunization of humans or animals
b) Research leading to the production or proof of medical preparations made of living organisms and their products

type of management can be classified as waste because they are somehow associated with handling characteristics that must be done:
From this point of view you can define three main groups:
a) Hazardous waste: are wastes which by their nature are inherently hazardous to handle and / or dispose of and can cause death, disease, or that are dangerous to health or the environment when handled improperly.
b) Inert Waste: Waste stable over time, which will not cause significant environmental effects to interact with the environment.
c) non-hazardous waste: None of the above
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l BENEFITS waste treatment.
1.1. Treatment of organic materials.
1.2. treatment of plastics.
1.3. Treatment of glass.
1.4. Treatment of paper and paperboard.
1.5. treatment of metals.
1.6. The tetrabrick.
1.7. wastes.
2. The energy recovery.
2.1. Advantages and disadvantages recovery.
2.2. Other forms of recovery.
3. controlled landfills.
4. Bibliography.
Advantages and disadvantages of recovery.
1. The recovery has a number of advantages: reduction of waste volume by up to 90%.
2. Energy recovery.
3. The ashes are more stable than the starting waste.

The energy recovery from waste is getting energy from combustion. The calorific value of waste is variable, in the case of hydrocarbon plastics is estimated to be comparable that of petroleum products with environmental advantages such as not generate sulfur oxides, causing acid rain. However, the burning of PVC generates a 50% energy than before.
The disadvantages are:
1. The indiscriminate burning of garbage without separation occurs as an effect of certain highly toxic combustion. The presence of PVC in the blend, contributes to the combustion gases hydrochloric acid in the presence of organic matter can cause toxic by-products of dioxins and dibenzofurans.
2. The product of combustion ash containing heavy metals such as cadmium in quantities considered hazardous and should receive special treatment as hazardous waste.
3. As a result of the above two points need to make large investments in technology.
4. If recyclable materials are incinerated in other ways there is a valuable resource consumption.
In response to these problems of incineration technology has developed considerably in recent years to reduce emissions of gases and fumes. Incinerators operate at high temperatures to destroy dioxins and furans, they usually do at 1000 ° C. On the other side and to ensure the composition of gases emitted units incorporating washing and appropriate filters. All therefore governed by a strict both European and national legislation. Several technologies
process: grill, fluidized bed and plasma. The aim of all is to achieve complete combustion and emitted into the atmosphere, only carbon dioxide and water, after having been detained by heavy metals, acid gases and particulates generated during combustion. In all fluidized bed technology can reduce emissions below the limits. Good contact is used in an afterburner combustion of a sand bed heated to 850 º C in the presence of a higher rate to 6% oxygen in a period of at least two seconds.
Recently the company Solvay, the manufacturer of chlorinated products, including PVC, has developed a combustion technology (NEUTREC ®) ensuring the control of the gases emitted into the atmosphere and the recovery of ash generated. The process is based on the addition of sodium bicarbonate dry in the gas stream. And major improvements are achieved with respect to semi-wet processes used previously. The novelty lies in the possibility of separating the residual solids content of heavy metals and organic compounds in the chemical recycling.
gases must be in contact with sodium bicarbonate during two seconds at temperatures above 140 º C to ensure complete neutralization. Then the gases pass through bag filters to retain particles of dust and one for particles of activated carbon to retain heavy metals dioxins and furans.

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What is a Landfill?

FACTS Approximately 80% of waste around the world end up in landfills. hole is dug in soil or landfills where waste is deposited. Most countries dump their solid waste in these places and in many countries this system is combined with incineration and recycling schemes. For example in Switzerland, landfills are used for 20% of waste in Japan and Denmark to 30% in France and Belgium at 35% and in Germany and Italy to 65%.
There are serious problems to find land where to locate new landfills. The strategy based on waste reduction is the only real alternative for a sustainable future. Landfills affect
continuously to the environment. The deterioration of organic waste produces gas and leachate if not controlled and can contaminate water supplies. The risk increases when hazardous waste mixed with household waste. On the other hand, some everyday items, such as some types of batteries contain a mixture of heavy metals, including cadmium and mercury, so it is important that special collection schemes for batteries to operate efficiently (see gas landfill).
Extracted from Part III of the book of Jan McHarry)

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etymological origin
favor of many opinions, the term "environment" is a tautology , and can be replaced by other expressions more specific or ambiguous as is the case of environment or environment. Remember, the word means can be a noun and an adjective, meaning half, so it should not be said for the Environment Ministry as they say in Spain, but the Ministry of Environment as the use of article determines the use of the term as a noun. And when we say only the Ministry of Environment is because the Middle noun is understood.

As a noun, the word environment comes from the Latin medium (neutral form) as an adjective, from Latin medius (masculine). The word comes from Latin ambiens environment, "ambientis, and this in Antwerp," surround "," to be on both sides. " The term environment is partially redundant because the two nouns have a meaning matching, which is precisely what they have when they go together, but several others are not, such as the use of the term environment to another different meaning, for example, when we say: "This cafe has a very pleasing", or when it comes to environment, as a term frequently used now in the field of politics, for example, when you say "the President government and its environment. " And the use of two nouns with an equivalent meaning in this case is justified to achieve greater precision of language, which, in this and many other cases, it is extremely important to avoid ambiguity. And the word comes from the word environment in and around, meaning "around", "outline."

environment concept
The General Theory systems, an environment is a complex external factors acting on a system and determine its course and way of life. An environment may be considered as a superset, in which the given system is a subset . An environment may have one or more parameters , physical or otherwise. The environment of a given system must necessarily interact with it. In
The environment is the set of factors called extrinsic factors that influence the presence, exposure and susceptibility agent in causing a disease to host.
These extrinsic factors include physical environment
: Physical Geography, Geology , climate, pollution .
Biological environment: human population
: Demography . Flora
: source of food , influences vertebrates and arthropods as a source of agents. Fauna
: source of food, vertebrate hosts, arthropod vectors. Water
. Socioeconomic Environment
occupation or work: exposure to chemical, physical. Private
or urban environment and economic development. Disaster
: wars, floods .

historical development of the concept of environment
Hippocrates (460-375 BC), in his book Aires, waters and places, highlighting the importance of the environment to cause disease.
Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689) and Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654-1720), formulated the theory miasma in which the miasma is a set of soil fetid fumes and impure water that cause disease.
In the nineteenth century with Chadwick, William Farr (1807-1883) with mortality of miners, John Snow (1813-1858) with "On the mode of transmission of cholera " consolidates the importance of environment in epidemiology and the need to use numerical methods. # Origen_etimol.C3.B3gico

Contents 1 Origin etymological
2 Concept of environment
3 Development historic environment concept
4 World Environment Day

5 See also 6 External links

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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The tambulero, coot family, other species endangered, these birds are found in the ponds, pastures, grasslands, Lechugales in rice areas, etc. Area Salitre, Guayas, Ecuador.

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The Moorhen, is an endangered species, as are others, for this reason we must find appropriate ways to protect them, lest they disappear.

of all this should be charged a state organization, putting all available means, as with other species.