Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Weeks Preg Where It Hurts

Looking for someone in Miami, Florida, United States

dog bite wounds she received were less serious nature, some of them do not require a license and who have no disability. But occasionally serious injuries are in most cases could have been avoided. One such case occurred last week
A person who was arranging a ramp up the ladder with some tools, one of which fell into the house next door. This person instead of turning around and ring the bell next door, jumped a tambourine being attacked by dogs, who caused him severe injuries in the shoulder and right arm, with loss of soft tissue, muscle, blood vessels, etc.
The patient is at risk of losing the limb.

All for crossing a boundary that should not have. Good people making bad decisions. Good people pass a red light and is killed or a collision. Good people walk on speeding and traffic accident death. Good people drink alcohol and driving. Good people crossed the legal limits and / or physical as jumping a tambourine to enter another property. Let Here is a person who has the audacity to candidates for President of the Republic of Chile.
commit such foolish mistakes, but you

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stir Fry Vegetables Nutrition Facts

Firefox: Extensions

A distribution

GNU / Linux
  • for auditing wireless networks is Wifiway

    . Wifiway wireless security using tools such as Aircrack-ng

  • . Can be used as
  • Live CD or Live USB
    without the need for installation on the hard drive of our computer.
  • This guide is made specifically for key obterner

    Atheros chipset . The best so far is Atheros chipset and is very well supported. To find out the chipset of the card seeking information on your computer in Google (eg "wireless card or chipset + linux laptop +) or reaches the point 1 Section IV . You can also look for products with Atheros chipset entering page Atheros WLAN chipset technology . For more information on wireless cards that work with Wifiway see page Report wireless cards for wireless auditing .

    Procedure The following steps were performed in a laptop Asus Eee PC 2G Surf wireless network card Atheros AR5BXB63 using the operating system Wifiway 1.0. To work better with your card recommend having the latest version of Wifiway, to 1.0 today, as are most current drivers (the procedure or earlier wifislax may vary or may not work.) If your wifi card has a different chipset, but works with Wifiway, the steps may vary. I've also tested on a Toshiba Satellite L20 laptop.

    I. Wifiway Burn a CD or USB

    Wifiway is distributed through an ISO file online. The image of Wifiway 1.0 can be downloaded from the page http://www.wifiway.org/sp/descarga.html . Unlike a regular data file, the ISO file can not be copied directly to a disk or a USB memory. If your computer has a CD-ROM can then create a Live CD, otherwise (as in the netbooks), you can create a Live USB.

    Wifiway Live CD To create a live CD of Windows Wifiway in can use the disc recorder Nero Burning ROM . If you have not installed any programs like Nero disc burner you can install ImgBurn, a free program to burn ISO files.

    Wifiway Live USB To create a Live USB Wifiway in Windows or some Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you can use UNetbootin

    . UNetbootin is a software platform
    , ie, which is available on Windows and Linux, which allows the installation of various GNU / Linux on a USB stick. The download page is http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/

    II. BIOS settings
    To start our computer from the CD-ROM or USB need the BIOS
    configuarar . Usually done by pressing the Delete
    or before you start the operating system, ie immediately after turning on the computer, if this fails press

    F2 or F10 . Since there are different ways to configure the BIOS, especially in laptops, will not go further here. If you do not know how to do recommend looking for information on how to configure the BIOS of your computer model in google (for example, "your computer BIOS + set +") or consult your computer manual. III. Start Wifiway

    After setting the BIOS to boot from drive CD-ROM or USB boot with the Live CD or Live USB where we recorded the operating system Wifiway.

    First select the time zone. then set the system clock.

    then choose the locale.

    setting is confirmed.

    Wifiway To start the graphical environment you enter the following code:
    wifiway root @: ~ # startx

    IV. Wifiway graphical environment
    The vocabulary used in this section can be found on page
    Definitions and Concepts

    Network. The notation used in this section is as follows: INTERFACE

    chipset wireless card.

    AP Access Point.

    MAC identifier that uniquely corresponds to an ethernet network.
    BSSID MAC address of access point.

    PWR signal strength access point detected by the card. Beacons

    number of packets of data sent by the access point.

    # Data (Iv's) number of packets of data captured.

    # / s Iv's / second.

    CH Channel Number of the access point.

    MB maximum speed supported by the access point. ENC

    type network encryption (WEP, WPA, OPN). CIPHER

    encoding type of the network.

    AUTH encryption format.

    ESSID network name (AP).

    STATION MAC address of each associated station. FILE

    file data packet captures.

    HWaddr MAC address of our wireless card. VICTIM

    access point to verify their safety. ARP

    Find a hardware address for a given IP.

    Note: This is not the only procedure that exists to get the WEP key can also be done using the graphical environment (
    , Wifiway ,

    Chipset , Atheros ), here we will focus on the command line from the terminal (also called a console).

    The objective here is to find out the chipset of our wifi card, we will focus the Atheros chipset. The following are the interfaces with which Wifiway recognizes each chipset: Atheros = ath0

    Ralink = ra0

    rausb0 Ralink USB =

    Prism = eth0 = eth0 Broadcom Zydas = eth0 Realtek = wlan0 Intel 3945, 5500 4965 =

    wlan0 Intel 2200 = eth1 and rtap0

    1. Open a Terminal using the shortcut icon or found on the desktop. You can also open siguendo

      Menu, and

      System Terminal Program (Konsole)

      The following command displays the PCI

      devices connected to the computer and therefore we have a wireless card. wifiway ~ # lspci

      In our case we have a wireless network card Atheros PCI. If using a USB wireless card

      use the following command to list the USB devices connected.

      ~ # lsusb Now run the following command to find the wireless card interface.

      ~ # iwconfig

      the interface is ath0 which corresponds to the Atheros chipset.

      Put INTERFACE Monitor mode.

      Monitor mode is one in which a computer connected to a shared network captures all data traffic flowing through it. If your wifi card has a different Atheros chipset, but works with Wifiway, the procedure in this point varies. This step can be performed in different ways, here is how I consider the most simple.
      For this script to load the drivers for the Atheros chipset. Run in Terminal:

      ~ # atheros.sh

    2. Another way to put the interface in monitor mode and may work with other chipset is written in the Terminal following:


      ~ # airmon-ng start

      INTERFACE Scan wireless networks.

      Here Airodump be used as a program that captures data packets.
      'll see the networks detected our wireless card. Run in Terminal:


      ~ # airodump-ng

    3. Press Ctrl +
      c to stop scanning Network.

      Choose the VICTIM.
      the VICTIM is chosen (our PA) and the traffic generated is stored in the file FILE (you can call with any name.) We point the BSSID, the CH and the ESSID of the VICTIM. Run in Terminal:

      ~ # airodump-ng-c CH - bssid BSSID-w FILE INTERFACE

    4. Here Beacons

      the increase, however, we are interested in the # Dates because they contain information for the key, it is necessary to associate to the AP and generate traffic.

      Joining the network, Attack 1: fake authentication.
      This causes us to associate ourselves with the AP as a client.

      First we need to know our MAC address. Open a new Terminal
      Alt + Ctrl + n
      (it is important not to close the other Terminal) and execute:

      ~ # ifconfig INTERFACE

    5. Another way to find out our MAC address is Terminal: Get MAC address

      now launched the Attack 1. Run in Terminal:

      ~ # aireplay-ng -1 30-o 1-e ESSID-a BSSID-h HWaddr INTERFACE

      If the association is successful is
      Association will display sucessful: -)
      , but no movement between the network and the client connected to this (ourselves), we can not capture packets with useful information for the WEP key. What we need then is to generate traffic in some way, and begin to cause

      ARP requests .

      If the attack fails can be in any of the following reasons: * You

      far from the AP or too close.
      * The card is not configured on the same channel as the AP. * The BSSID and ESSID (options-a /-e) are incorrect. * The driver for your card is not properly supported.

      * We are using a MAC address filtering.

      Inject traffic Attack 3: ARP request reinjection.

      Open a new Terminal (do not close the other terminals) run Attack 3:


      ~ # aireplay-ng -3-b BSSID-h INTERFACE HWaddr

    6. If this attack is successful the
      # Dates

      begin to increase. The number of
      # Dates
      required depends on the length of the WEP key and also luck. Decrypt WEP key.

      Open a new Terminal (do not close the other terminals) and the following command will list the files that keeps traffic

      ~ # ls

      Now run :

    7. wifiway
      ~ # aircrack-ptw-01.cap FILE


      elhacker.net Forum

      wifislax Manual, Advanced Wifiway WEP and WPA most complete documentation suite Castilian wifi security, bonds and real codes

      List of wireless cards for wireless auditing
      Definitions and basic networking concepts

    Castilian Documentation aircrack-ng suite Aircrack

    Aircrack-ng Windows English Community

    basic linux commands

    Wifiway Burn ISO and change the boot in the bios

    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    Raid Flea Bomb Reviews

    Prevention - Dog Bites

    These http://www.lanacion.cl/p4_lanacion/antialone.html?page=http://www.lanacion.cl/p4_lanacion/site/artic/20040918/pags/20040918175242.html
    Marco Antonio Enriquez-Ominami in an interview with the newspaper La Nación of September 19, 2004.

    "I dislike the week of the Chilean" - What would be the biggest feature of the Chilean? - Love that nasty flag and emblem that is shocking and national symbols. worst thing is the love for the Chilean. Chileans before Chileans are classist, racist, fascist, sexist, cynical and after the seventh definition, we Chileans. - You go to some inn? - A no. I go by opportunism and utilitarianism when it comes to campaigning. In an inn see only votes, the rest seems to me a stack of cured. What eateries have invented, is' eat shit and have fun. " I never knew, and what hurt it was not attended, perhaps because I could not go, the pain was certainly fall into oblivion, or group of people less important for my friends. Was lack of intent.
    "You know, the frog or ssshileno dilemma. - I'm a lot more French, I'm much more Parisian. I think Chilean , I am in transit.

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    Sayings Like You're The Cheese To My Macaroni

    These Marco Antonio Enriquez-Ominami in an interview with the newspaper La Nación of September 19, 2004 . Disappointments

    Once a good friend and mentor told me that depression is a decision, conscious or unconscious, but it is. It is a fact, not bad luck, not a spell done by others. It is a self-imposed disease.
    I managed to understand the meaning of those words only when I was with this diagnosis more than 6 years. Understand that depression is a way for us humans to punish us for some feeling of guilt for events that occurred in the past or worries about things that may never happen. Enter are not things that happen that makes us feel bad, but what we think about these things, and thoughts are decisions, not mere circumstances. if "things happening" that makes us feel bad, then everyone should go down because every day people die of accidents (sometimes entire families), or painful terminal illnesses, or rape, killings , etc. Every day, those things. For they could have put their hands into the fire, they could have traveled great distances for anything they needed, to total loyalty they owed. I think at this point in my life, without exaggeration.
    depression since a decision would be personal, so I would not blame anyone or anything if this happened again. It would be my responsibility. Well, fortunately ... no, rather, by a decision I have not seen this state of lethargy where nothing matters, I decided to stop the negative circumstances of life aside and assess them as a positive point of view of learning, thanks to this or that other experience, I am now a man stronger, more secure.
    From now on, never buy the excuse for someone who goes into depression, arguing that it is impossible to "not feeling well" for this or that reason. I would say, at least in me, it is possible, anything is possible. Lighter

    me was when I could say now and forever that we experience emotions when things happen, but when we know they happen. Example: if anyone tells me that a dear relative died, I have nothing to feel bad, I just feel bad when I'm communicating. Hence comes the most incredible conclusion: we feel bad not the act itself, but knowing it and give an emotional tinge that seems to come default ... but no.
    becomes important when there is not much space to give the news. What purpose is, what solution I can give that kind of stuff just to know it. Be informed, some would say, well, if by that is fine. But some added emotion to it, that could be devastating to the cumulative effect. And the only truth is that such events have spent the last 6500 years of history, and will continue to go at least a century (indeed much more), which is the highest life expectancy than we have. Well, this was the preamble to share a fact that yesterday I created a great disappointment, and thanks to the "decision-making" that I developed today becomes only experience more to life, to become stronger and to teach my children and people I care about some "suggestions" to handle a little better life. history here: For years I boasted that the College made the greatest friends. No matter if the university had not created strong bonds of friendship, in fact I did not, and things like the death of my father in December 2008 (one day after my birthday), I am given to understand that the list of overall priorities of the life of every one of my former college mates I was in last place, I received a single call, Marcelo. I repeat, does not matter I had and I have (told me), my classmates, they are the ones that accompanied me in the early years, where he forged the personality and character. They are the important ones: Paul, Hector, Eduardo, Demian, Leonardo, Rodrigo, Arthur, Andrew, Álvaro ...
    But yesterday was disappointment for a moment, although I have to say it was strong, those that rocked a whole. Displaying photographs on Facebook I noticed that when one of those friends Paul, came to Chile from Europe, apparently organized a meeting with school friends, meeting is over and that I was not aware until now.
    There they were in the photos, the most important of my childhood to share together, including one who was unable to attend said that unfortunately had been on duty at the hospital, but at least I knew, surely he had been invited, but not was for work reasons.
    But I came quickly from the pain, and could even joking comment on a photo, without giving away for a moment that minutes before my heart would burst with pain.
    My words will save me, and I use the word hurt in the past, that is hurt and therefore means that it does not hurt, and it is true, does not hurt at all compared to the heartache that was yesterday. Already shed, and breathe new life now, without rancor, no resentment, only peace and gratitude for having the life I have, and every year I give away to spend with my loved ones.

    Saturday, September 12, 2009

    1st Yellow Power Ranger

    Wifiway favorite: Get Atheros chipset WEP key

    LaTeX A tool that allows online
    make a list of references from LaTeX to a bibliographic database
    BibTeX is available on the site text2bib
    To convert the list must be stored in a bibliographic reference system
    plain text file (. Txt) that can be done in any text editor
    Notepad in Windows or

    gedit in Ubuntu
    Each reference must be separated by a blank line or be written on one line or start with \\ bibitem {} , \\ bibitem {} , \\ item ,
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    or \\ smallskip . Each reference starts (after separated as mentioned in the previous section) with a list of authors, followed by a year or a title. text2bib To use you must be registered on the site ( REGISTER ) filling out a simple form and then sign ( LOG IN ) by entering username and password. Example
    • It creates a text file and stores the following. \\ bibitem {} MaciejowskiG03 JM Maciejowski, \\ textit} {Multivariable Feedback Design, Addison-Wesley, 1989. \\ bibitem {Doyle} JC Doyle, BA Francis and AR Tannenbaun, `` feedback''Control Theory, McMillan, 1992. \\ bibitem {Youla76} DC Youla, HA Jabr, and JJ Bongiorno, `` Modern Wiener-Hopf design of optimal controllers - part II: The multivariable case,''\\ textit {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, pp. 319-338, 1976.
    • \\ bibitem {} Zarikian07 CA Desoer and CL Gustafson, `` Algebraic theory of linear multivariable feedback systems'', \\ textit {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, pp. 909-917, 1984.
    • If you're registered

    text2bib log in, load the text file and then click on Convert to BibTeX. . Then appears report conversion. You can display the BibTeX file in a new window by clicking on Display your BibTeX file in a new window, or save the BibTeX file (. Bib) by clicking on

    save your BibTeX file. BibTeX file that is generated in this example es el siguiente.

    author = {J. M. Maciejowski},
    title = {Multivariable Feedback Design}, year = {1989},
    address = {},
    publisher = {Addison-Wesley},

    author = {J. C. Doyle and B. A. Francis and A. R. Tannenbaun},
    title = {Feedback Control Theory},
    year = {1992},
    address = {}, publisher = {McMillan}, } @article{Youla76,
    author = {D. C. Youla and H. A. Jabr and J. J. Bongiorno},
    title = {Modern wiener-hopf design of optimal controllers - part II: The multivariable case}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1976 }, month = {}, volume = {} ,
    number = {}, pages = {319-338
    Zarikian07 article {, author = {
    CA Desoer and CL Gustafson}, title = {
    Algebraic theory of linear multivariable feedback systems},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1984
    }, month = {
    }, volume = {}
    number = {}, pages = {909-917

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    Jeep Grand Cherokee Rocky Mountain


    I do not want to communicate this in the mail, I read it only interested people who communicate with our way of thinking entering this site on your own virtual looking for some advice. to welcome you all! Much has been written about in this blog, sometimes in the phrase lost in a sea of \u200b\u200binformation, sometimes as a main idea that has been developed to try to leave no doubt as to the importance of this point.
    http://victormelgarejo.blogspot.com/2008/06/no-prestar-productos-ni-dinero-jams.html ) There understood the basics of the philosophy of NOT BORROW MONEY OR PRODUCTS EVER. For 5 years, more in the last 3 (due to greater understanding of business), we repeated over and over again in discussions of Ethics and Code of Honor, the importance of not asking for money or products. We have given examples of how this turns into a robbery, even when he has to do with risk volume points of other lines and therefore risk ratings. We thought we were fools in becoming almost single issue with this issue that once gave so much trouble.
    I do not know, maybe we teach it, believe it or not, but somehow, I do not understand why, once again we see the distributors perpetrating this grave error.
    The interesting thing is that there are new distributors, but old antigüísimos, who enjoyed the respect of many, which were a source of inspiration for the majority, who were undoubtedly an example now and a draft undisputed leaders in the morning. not ask a person outside business. No. They ask (trágame land) to its distributors, its low lines.
    also ask their sponsors, and even more than once have thought and said they would ask money from their presidents ascending 40K, because after all "is an investment in the business they" wield. No moderately sane your downline want to relate to them, all want to get away, working under the umbrella of others, but not of them who continue to show weakness, lack of leadership. "It's because I will not make the same mistakes, I now manage my finances well and I will not fall back into debt, so now I am a good match, lend money, not let you down "... I can not believe this to be listening to loose body that dealer asking for money, and getting no for an answer, then answer:" Oh, we have nothing more to say! " HOW HAVE NOT LEARNED ANYTHING? What good I can draw from this experience?
    Know that we are in the right way to share this information with higher pin, and know that they think and act (and have) the same way.
    Learn to say NO, learn to say no again and again to all types of applications that go against the code of knights, and indeed my own beliefs.
    not make decisions from the death, from shame, from the suffering, but from the certainty that these principles govern my life and my business are correct. I know I will not fall under the influence of unscrupulous people.
    Have greater knowledge of "things" that happen in the business in order to improve the mentoring of new and antique dealers.
    Joy of knowing that what is left in our stand are people who have been leaked, and now we have a group distillate, like a fine liqueur, like a fine delicacy, it is becoming the best of the best, blameless people on whom we can trust. may be painful to separate good people make bad decisions that harm others. But for the common good of your group, your business, your future and your children.