Saturday, October 30, 2010

Skin Growth On Inner Lip Of Dog

Recalling the tragedy of the EAM T34 Mentor.

It was on September 19, 2001 at the Military Aviation School (EAM) during the maiden flight ceremony of first-year cadets, among which were the first nine female cadets.

Three aircraft were conducting a low pass over the airfield facilities when the pound left EAM hit the control tower and the ground first then about a hundred meters from the first impact.

died the Head of Studies of the Cadet Corps, Vice Commander Ernest Cooke and the cadet Berástegui Carlos Diaz, 19, a native of Buenos Aires.

The other two Mentor were piloted, one by the Spiritoso Vicecomodro Wauthier, Chief Air Group accidental and Cadet Rodrigo Alisio Thomas and the other by the Director of the Miguel Agustín Brigadier EAM and Polo Cadet Maria Jimena.

9 years later Justice established the responsibilities required.

On the conduct of Brigadier Miguez, the owner of the Federal Oral Court No. 2, Carlos Julio Lascano ruled: "He made a highly risky to command as' driver guide "a band composed of three B-45 Mentor aircraft in a formation 'blind'. Such risks were tolerable to the extent legally who served the primary role of the squadron took over the technical functions to meet specific regulations and provide for certain circumstances of great importance in the exhibition, including flight path and the layout of the route so that would prevent dangerous maneuvers or approaches the proximity of obstacles (trees, buildings and facilities), in order to protect lives and protect government property and third parties. "

"Without however, the defendant created a high risk Miguez legally wrong in relation to the property affected in violation of the duty of care emerging from the infringement of a series of rules and regulations, "said the maid.

The documentary evidence and all evidence of military personnel showed that Miguez violated all the rules. Not complied with the rules of the Operation Manual Training Squadron Air Group School, Primary Flight Manual B-45 Mentor and Flight Rules. Miguez had no entitlement to drive a B-45 Mentor, was not properly trained, failed to fulfill the duty of every driver to be informed; reported no new developments relating to the launch site, the route to be followed, landing site and the various alternatives. In addition, failed to make the flight plan, did not conduct pre-flight meeting and violated the prohibition of transporting people on flights of training, have led to first-year cadets.

was found that after the first passage of the squadron, Miguez, as a training guide, "decided and determined the conduct of a flight at low altitude, contrary to explicit provisions for this type of training buildings, vehicles too close to obstacles, passing to the squad in the small space of 150 meters between a pine tree located on the site and the control tower. "

Lascano concluded that "the pilot guide that sets the direction and height of the air group and the other pilots that make up the squad should look at first and maintained a slightly higher above it, in training. For security reason, the training 'blind' numerals are kept on the plane guide. The absence of a flight plan, whose formation was incumbent necessarily the guide, was decisive for the unfortunate outcome, since the incorrect assessment of the defendant on the convergent course of training with the control tower and the low height above the obstacles, was crucial because if the squad had gone to greater height, the distance between the numeral three and guide the plane had lacked relevance and would have avoided the collision. "
The Bigadier (now retired) Miguez was sentenced to three years suspended sentence and disqualified for driving aircraft for five years as senior author of manslaughter caused by recklessness, two events in real competition.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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PAMPA plane crash. Antonov AN2 and RANS. International Day

On October 24, 2010, at 11:50 standard time Argentina, crashed in Santa Isabel province of La Pampa, the Antonov AN2, register CX-CAP.

This aircraft had received an opinion of restraint on the part of the National Air Navigation Services on January 11, 2010 for having exceeded the time spent in the country, as set out in the decrees 16410/59 and 4078/60.

also at that time, the National Directorate of Civil Aviation and Aviation Infrastructure Uruguay (Administrator), country where registration of the aircraft was reported that the airworthiness certificate had expired since August 13, 2008.

An emergency landing at the airfield near Santa Isabel, in a mountain area, resulted in total destruction of the aircraft, but without consequences for the pilot and nine passengers.

Photo Antonov AN2 motor accident (source: El Diario de La Pampa).

The reported ideal place (LAD 1362) Santa Isabel is located, and was at the time of the accident, disabled (stopped) by CRA layout for quite some time, so that you can not make any air operation .

Airshow 2009 (14/15 November 2009) where it is observed Renancó Huinca takeoff of the Antonov AN2 in circumstances which involved the air festival.


the same day October 24, 2010 at approximately 10:30 pm., Are injured Coyote RANS aircraft, registration LV-X245 to about 2,000 meters from the aerodrome age Pampero, home of Club Glider Santa Rosa, located 4 NM Santa Rosa airport.

Fortunately, no consequences for his crew, but the aircraft suffered major damage.

In both cases, involving the JIAAC.

The experimental aircraft was severely damaged.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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Air Traffic Controller. Aerial Verification

Considered one of the professions whose origin is closer in time, integrates and leads the ranking of the most stressful and more responsibility.

Jacob Wachtel, founder and first president of the Association of Air Traffic Controllers of Israel began with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an international corps of drivers, writing and receiving positive responses from various European associations.

Thus 19 and 20 October 1961 takes place the meeting of the working group formed in Amsterdam, Netherlands, preparing the founding of the European Federation of Air Traffic Controllers (EFACTA).

However, during the meeting, there were accessions of some twenty national associations, eventually settling for the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers (IFATCA), which today has with over 132 member associations and brings together more than 50,000 air traffic controllers worldwide.

On 20 October was set as the "International Day of Air Traffic Controllers."

Much has been said of the profession in so few years.

similar in terms of methodology, as it conforms to international standards and recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), has profound asymmetries in terms of financial remuneration received by the controller air as the country develops its work.

Thus, in Spain could be said that the drivers are among the highest paid in the world where reached base salary, according to the English government, € 170,000 overtime can reach to 900,000 per year, the average annual overtime some 334,000 euros (according to official news media reflected by different English).

This, plus a stunning lack of AENA, the English government took to intervene forcefully (through a Royal Decree) on wages, overtime and the type of air traffic services provided, by implementing AFIS airports less than 50 daily operations to reduce costs.

The decision triggered a conflict with the drivers union members in USCA, which they accuse of favoring AENA savings economic resources on aviation security, and these days, the conflict between a government and air traffic controllers received more worldwide attention.

should go back to the days of the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the U.S. to find a history of a trade union dispute that deep.

Among the most unfortunate of the story, and reminds us of the seriousness of the responsibility of an air traffic controller, we can find the plane crash on July 1, 2002, when a Tupolev 154 flying over the border between Germany and Switzerland, collided with a Boeing 757 cargo.

died in the accident, among others, 50 Russian children. In total 71 bodies were scattered within a radius of 40 km

A string of errors in the Zurich control center, which the intervener driver was not totally responsible, caused the accident.

The multinational company Skyguide, responsible for the provision of air traffic control service and apologized for taking security measures degraded that day, such as idle stop approach radar alerts over between routes and coordination cell among controls.

The father of a 4 year old, died in the accident personally assisted in the search for bodies and managed to find his own daughter.

The press revealed the name of the controller on duty that fateful day.

Two years later, this man named Vitaly Kaloyev, an achievement to find the address of the controller Peter Nielsen and killed by multiple stab wounds after showing a photograph of her deceased daughter.

Kaloyev was sentenced to 8 years in prison but was released two years after taking home the recognition tacit population as a national hero.

View: The position of the English drivers.

The English government's position.