Friday, February 12, 2010

Lauren London's Real Hair Length

not to lend money

In relation to a oft-repeated theme in this blog, not lend money or products, I share an email sent to a person who asked me for money. As I say in this post, this is my personal philosophy, and something from there I could help you.

Note that the person I asked for money was a classmate, an upper, with whom he had no special relationship, call a friend or fellow band, school, etc. While some remember him as a good person. Facebook contacted me after 15 years of not having seen a picture of him, which I can now see on their profile, and his first message to me was this request for money.

Well, the answer here.

Thanks for reading.

xxxxx xxxx Hi Well, I have as a principle does not lend money, and Herbalife products (capital I work with in our family business), or give medical leave, these are 3 inalienable values, so the answer is no, I can not help.

Words are not money, but can be transformed into that when the good ideas generate actions to see if you take some from here:
I am sure with your perseverance will achieve what you want, but as I wrote in my blog about lending or borrowing money, the rule is never ask a friend (a personal rule respectable as all personal philosophies) as you run the risk of losing the friendship, less lending to someone who has not seen in years and have not crossed many words in life. Preferably if there is no financial institution is offering to lend you a relative or friend (the kind of truth) an exchange for something of value you have, more or equal to the amount you need. Example: when someone offered me lend your car for 1 million, I had a million, but at least I would have thought if you have one and might have done that swap.

I know your intention is good, you are fighting for survival.

That said, I recommend not using the old trick of making others feel guilty if you do not lend money, with phrases such as "who I consider my friend ...", which is no bad intention, but I tell you really generates some rejection, so you ofezco this idea of \u200b\u200bremoving any argument that leads to another to feel guilty (but say it is not your intention), because within your definition of friend you incorporate the "borrow money" as a condition of that friendship, which to me is just the opposite.
an acquaintance whom I remember receiving the NO response to your loan application said "I wish you no ill, but hopefully never suffer what she was suffering." My answer was, that strategy will not work with me as well that you know if I have suffered the despair of not having money? if I did and it is painful, but never pass on or try to be a burden to a friend asking to borrow and taking the blame.
I tell this to help prevent this behavior is very common when you reach a certain level of despair, hope is not your case.

once as I am writing my story on the blog, I was desperate for money, like you was lost and saw no future, but I borrowed it from relatives, and used an international quota credit card of one of them, never asked a friend, because for me within the definition of friend is not having to be a burden to him.

With a positive attitude, but especially with perseverance you talk to so many people and financial institutions will find someone with a different philosophy or opposed to mine, which lends itself risking, or what you want done because heart.

With passion, Victor


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