Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sayings Like You're The Cheese To My Macaroni

These Marco Antonio Enriquez-Ominami in an interview with the newspaper La Nación of September 19, 2004 . Disappointments

Once a good friend and mentor told me that depression is a decision, conscious or unconscious, but it is. It is a fact, not bad luck, not a spell done by others. It is a self-imposed disease. I managed to understand the meaning of those words only when I was with this diagnosis more than 6 years. Understand that depression is a way for us humans to punish us for some feeling of guilt for events that occurred in the past or worries about things that may never happen. Enter depression since a decision would be personal, so I would not blame anyone or anything if this happened again. It would be my responsibility. Well, fortunately ... no, rather, by a decision I have not seen this state of lethargy where nothing matters, I decided to stop the negative circumstances of life aside and assess them as a positive point of view of learning, thanks to this or that other experience, I am now a man stronger, more secure.
From now on, never buy the excuse for someone who goes into depression, arguing that it is impossible to "not feeling well" for this or that reason. I would say, at least in me, it is possible, anything is possible. Lighter

me was when I could say now and forever that we experience emotions when things happen, but when we know they happen. Example: if anyone tells me that a dear relative died, I have nothing to feel bad, I just feel bad when I'm communicating. Hence comes the most incredible conclusion: we feel bad not the act itself, but knowing it and give an emotional tinge that seems to come default ... but no.
are not things that happen that makes us feel bad, but what we think about these things, and thoughts are decisions, not mere circumstances. if "things happening" that makes us feel bad, then everyone should go down because every day people die of accidents (sometimes entire families), or painful terminal illnesses, or rape, killings , etc. Every day, those things. becomes important when there is not much space to give the news. What purpose is, what solution I can give that kind of stuff just to know it. Be informed, some would say, well, if by that is fine. But some added emotion to it, that could be devastating to the cumulative effect. And the only truth is that such events have spent the last 6500 years of history, and will continue to go at least a century (indeed much more), which is the highest life expectancy than we have. Well, this was the preamble to share a fact that yesterday I created a great disappointment, and thanks to the "decision-making" that I developed today becomes only experience more to life, to become stronger and to teach my children and people I care about some "suggestions" to handle a little better life. history here: For years I boasted that the College made the greatest friends. No matter if the university had not created strong bonds of friendship, in fact I did not, and things like the death of my father in December 2008 (one day after my birthday), I am given to understand that the list of overall priorities of the life of every one of my former college mates I was in last place, I received a single call, Marcelo. I repeat, does not matter I had and I have (told me), my classmates, they are the ones that accompanied me in the early years, where he forged the personality and character. They are the important ones: Paul, Hector, Eduardo, Demian, Leonardo, Rodrigo, Arthur, Andrew, Álvaro ... For they could have put their hands into the fire, they could have traveled great distances for anything they needed, to total loyalty they owed. I think at this point in my life, without exaggeration. But yesterday was disappointment for a moment, although I have to say it was strong, those that rocked a whole. Displaying photographs on Facebook I noticed that when one of those friends Paul, came to Chile from Europe, apparently organized a meeting with school friends, meeting is over and that I was not aware until now. There they were in the photos, the most important of my childhood to share together, including one who was unable to attend said that unfortunately had been on duty at the hospital, but at least I knew, surely he had been invited, but not was for work reasons. I never knew, and what hurt it was not attended, perhaps because I could not go, the pain was certainly fall into oblivion, or group of people less important for my friends. Was lack of intent. But I came quickly from the pain, and could even joking comment on a photo, without giving away for a moment that minutes before my heart would burst with pain.
My words will save me, and I use the word hurt in the past, that is hurt and therefore means that it does not hurt, and it is true, does not hurt at all compared to the heartache that was yesterday. Already shed, and breathe new life now, without rancor, no resentment, only peace and gratitude for having the life I have, and every year I give away to spend with my loved ones.


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