Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Techno That Counts Down

Santa Rosa, "versus city airport? Resolution 175/2011

Airport Santa Rosa, a member of the National Airports System, is the main air terminal in the central Pampas.

is undisputed that a modern capital city can not exist without air service if it wants to develop its full economic and social potential.

However, the airports, which in its genesis, are built at some distance from the city, over the years end up being devoured by the city itself ... and the symbiotic relationship becomes in a tortuous relationship, which imposes mutual restrictions and if things are not planned right from the start, as almost always happens, gives rise to sound angry and relocation orders in a more convenient location.

Quarter final approach airport.

is that certainly in order to protect the safety of aviation, airports domain impose constraints on the properties, especially physical restraints on building height, and if they are too close to the city can restrict or limit urban development in certain sectors the same.

Will the time come to think of the relocation of the Santa Rosa airport? It's hard to tell, but if we consider some projects under discussion, such as setting the Participatory Strategic Plan for Santa Rosa in the future, this discussion forum can not ignore the debate about the need for a modern airport, with the capacity to handle more air traffic located in an area farther to the city center.

Participatory Strategic Plan Santa Rosa is a comprehensive dialogue process in which santarroseños propose, we believe and plants, as we are, we want and what we dream for our city and our future.

View from north end, 2300 meters to take off and overcome these obstacles.

Currently, the airport occupies an area of \u200b\u200b208 hectares of prime real estate, and limited building only 13 storeys in the city center and only about 5 feet above Santiago Ring Avenue Northeast in March.

Let's see what are the restrictions and legal framework.

obstacle limitation surfaces. down to define the air space must be kept clear of obstructions around airports and airfields so that they can be performed safely aircraft operations planned and keep the airfields were damaged by the many obstacles in their surroundings.

This is accomplished through a series of obstacle limitation surfaces that define the limits to which objects may project into the airspace. (Source AIC B05/10 October 20, 2010).

surface approximation.

Define air space should be kept free of obstacles to protect aircraft during final approach for landing.

surface is established approach for each direction of the track that starts at 60 meters of each threshold runway with a length of inner edge (width) of 300 meters, extending to a total distance of 15,000 meters with a spread of 15% on each side of the sloping side edges as Annex 14.

; inner surface approximation .

Established from a threshold distance of 60 meters and a width of 120 meters to 900 meters long with a slope of 2%.

; climb surface takeoff.

provides protection for the aircraft during takeoff, indicating that barriers should be removed, marked or illuminated as appropriate. Establishing an area of \u200b\u200btake-off climb for each direction of the track extends from an edge perpendicular to the runway end is set at a distance from the end of track 60 meters, with a length of inner edge (W) 180 meters to a total distance of 15000 meters with a slope of 2%, and widens to a gap on either side of 12.5% \u200b\u200band a final width of 1800 meters.

                                                       Superficie Horizontal Interna

The Airport Services Manual ICAO in Part 6 specifies to be established with the purpose of protecting the visual traffic pattern describing the aircraft around the airport.

is contained in a horizontal plane at 45 meters above the elevation of the aerodrome reference point and consists of a circle centered on the vertical of the point being the radius of 4000 meters.
The aerodrome reference point is located near the geometric center of it.

; Conical surface

of revolution about the vertical axis passing through the aerodrome reference point, with vertex at the same extends to 2000 meters and has a slope of 5%

Digital TV Antenna finally paralyzed, had a predicted height of 150 meters.


shall be a transitional area every sense of the track that extend from two lines parallel to the runway, one on each side, and from the edges of the approach surface, with a length of 315 meters and a slope of 14.3% measured in a plane vertical axis perpendicular to the track.

, inner transitional surface.

Similar to the surface of transition, but closer to the track. Sireva obstacle limitation surface for aid navigation, aircraft and vehicles to be found in the vicinity of the track. Of this area should only stand for frangible objects.

obstacle limitation surfaces calculated for the Santa Rosa airport:

Conical Surface: 2000 m length. - 5% slope

Internal Horizontal Surface: 4000 m radio for 45 meters high

Transitional Surface: length 315 meters - to be 14.3%

inner transitional surface: 33.3% slope

Surface Approach : 15000 mts total distance. - Outstanding under Annex 14

- inner edge length: 300 meters

- distance from the threshold: 60 mts

- divergence each side: 15%

inner approach surface: length 900 meters. - 2% slope

- Width: 120 mts

- Distance from threshold: 60 mts

balked landing surface: slope 3.33%

- inside edge length: 120 meters

- distance from threshold: 1800 mts

- divergence on either side: 10%

climb surface Takeoff: 15000 mts total distance - 2% slope

- inner edge length : 180 mts

- distance from the runway end: 60 mts

- divergence on each side: 12.5% \u200b\u200b

- final width: 1800 mts

Easements radio.

should be established such easements to ensure the proper functioning of equipment and antenna systems necessary for safety and regularity of flights, such as Beacon Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR) that provides guidance for air navigation and Landing System (ILS) that provides information regarding the location of the runway and glide path allows aircraft to bring in accordance with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).

In order to ensure the integrity of the radio signals transmitted by the guide aids to air navigation are set specifications, limitations and precautions regarding siting of these systems.

This means establishing areas free of obstacles in the environment that determine its location distances, slopes and maximum heights that can reach the buildings with structural elements of metal, fences, tree planting, power lines, roads, etc..

These specifications also impose easements on other airport owners and are therefore limited to the domain.

addition to protecting the signs of the aeronautical radio navigation negative influence on them may have surrounding obstacles, it is also necessary to protect the integrity of the signals of radio equipment interference that may result from illegal use of radio spectrum or poor.

Communications Commission (NCC) is the enforcement authority responsible for managing the radio spectrum, assign frequencies and operating licenses and measuring non-ionizing radiation emitted by heating systems in order to ensure the health of the population.

Monitors all types of transmission, receives and handles complaints of harmful interference that could disrupt communication between aircraft in flight and air traffic control (the most common is interference Commercial FM radio stations in the control tower frequency) and others that could affect, for example to signals from the Instrument Landing System (ILS).

; noise easements
The International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO, has discussed the establishment of standards and recommended practices to mitigate the issue of aircraft noise near airports, assuming it is a problem of public interest, a growing force in urban communities requires solutions that airport activity compatible with the right of the inhabitants of the city to live in a healthy environment.

is why from the 16 session of the Assembly, held in Buenos Aires in 1968, has been addressing the issue of aircraft noise in the vicinity of airports.

dictate the first ICAO noise certification standards for aircraft in the early 70's these standards and procedures are reflected in Annex 16 Environmental Protection Volume I.
However, in general in our country, national legislation has not advanced enough on the subject, and in addition to international regulations issued by ICAO (which puts the emphasis on boosting the quietest engine design) and order some municipal ordinances regarding noise pollution, noise pollution, etc, the reality is that no easements have been established airport noise as for example in some European countries, where its application leads to the zoning of surrounding land to airports imposing restrictions on their development.


These restrictions, considering the "noise footprint" produced by aircraft in their trajectories of takeoff / approach, determine the purpose of the construction to take place in the surrounding land, prohibiting the construction of schools, hospitals, nursing homes or permanent residence Multifamily in certain areas where noise and vibrations caused by aircraft have greater impact.

only in Argentina have established procedures for noise abatement at Aeroparque Metropolitano Jorge Newbery and Ezeiza International Airport, which is to follow the standard departure aircraft trajectories.

final approach to runway 01, Santa Rosa.

As Aeroparque and Ezeiza airport belongs to Santa Rosa National State and is administered by Aeropuertos Argentina 2000. In the concession contract in point 13, paragraph 2 "Cocesionario Obligations" requires: "... take all measures at its disposal to ensure that the operation of airports is consistent with the normal development of community life with protection of the environment ... "

airport to Santa Rosa has not been established, issued or implemented noise abatement procedures, neither has the easement airport noise and there is a very vague and general notion of how the activity can be reconciled local airport to the implementation of environmental rights as enshrined in Article 41 of the NC, 25675 regulated in the General Environmental Law and Order No. 1528/94 of the municipality of Santa Rosa.

In fact, families have built permanent homes and schools to integrate surrounding land areas for development restrictions, established in future airport noise easement.

final approach to runway 01, Santa Rosa.

is a question for the airport administration and municipal authorities which would be the reaction of the population if the air traffic demand would require the hours of operation extended from the current 14 hours of service to 24 hours over residential areas in hours sleep, or vehicular traffic in the future would cause the constant presence of aircraft on the apron with engines or auxiliary power unit (APU) in place, or testing of engines, increasing the base noise, especially at night.

Presented this situation, clearly understand that there will be two positions: one will believe that this is just technical prowess, the Santa Rosa airport never represent a significant environmental impact to the community, not a danger for the security of its neighbors and that air traffic will not grow in the future.

Another believes in the possibility of negatively affecting environmental quality, at least the surrounding neighborhoods, and the security of persons and goods closer to their location.

From what we all believe is that it imposes restrictions on the domain to build and better antennas.

This is evidenced, for example, the Digital TV antenna, which is paralyzed after making a significant investment.

What is true is that the air traffic, albeit slowly, grows, and the airport moved from being classified as low intensity to medium intensity of traffic.

This situation would require greater investments to manage air traffic. Today, his platform is too small, only has 4 aircraft parking positions, a single taxiway near the middle of the runway delays imposed "for infrastructure," because the traffic must roll on track to reach the head, aerostation no pre-boarding room (which slows the security controls), it has no sleeves, or facilities for the reception and delivery of luggage.

Incredibly is not connected to the potable water supply, sewerage, natural gas or get any public transport passenger automobile.

However, on the other hand, the time is right for your move. The infrastructure currently low, is reusable and / or recycled in a possible development project that would be pursued in this outstanding property.

addition, the relocation would free up restrictions on the city and advance planning and establishing easements and zoning not to invade the areas near the new airport.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Will Wearing A Tight Retainer

Airport Security.

Gazette was published by 32134 dated April 20, 2011, the resolution that describes the standard procedure for controlling non-scheduled commercial aviation and general aviation in the jurisdiction of the Airport Security Police.

Reaches crews, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail for general aviation flights and regular commercial designed to meet one or more services to aerodromes other than departure, whether national or international.

shall be required of a General Declaration Form (FDG) and for embarking cargo or mail, FDG is attached to the cargo manifest.

Just completed the above, will become active crew members, passengers, cargo and mail on domestic flights to enter through checkpoints authorized by the PSA to enter the pre-board room or the restricted zone will not be considered companion or assistant who does not have an Airport Security Personnel Permit issued by the PSA.

For international flights, the General Declaration Form will be established by ICAO (FDG-ICAO), the control of the identity of crews and passengers will be conducted by the National Directorate of Migration and baggage and cargo will controlled by the National Directorate of Customs.

also providing for the control for domestic flights originating from airports without operating presence of the PSA.

domestic flights with the exception of engine testing, flight school, local training, first flights and / or air shows, provided they do not try to navigation flights and flights of the armed forces, security forces, police and the national state or provincial governments, as well as flights for organ removal transplantation, medical flights, rescue, search and rescue assistance for natural disasters.

Surely at some domestic airports whose air stations are small and have no pre-boarding room, leaving the checkpoints in the same hall, there will be delays imposed by the controls, but everything will be resolved in time for investments necessary.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Breast Buds Identifying

Good morning. Twitts

know that I like to die? I notice you I want you to rage. Are you aware that you craving? I hope you feel that my will is weakened by you and is intensified at the same time, the desire to provoke me. You are free substance away from me, but I miss you and hope to resolve, identify, understand what I feel for you. Because there is any claim, want, craving or desire, is something of greater length. Something that did not exist before me and you've given birth. Are you a new feeling. Are the work of the impulse. You are something real platonic.

Age Of Empire Rise Of Rome Full Installation

You and me. Another B

If we were social networks, twitter, and I'd be your hi5.
simpson If we were, you'd be Bart and Milhouse me.
if free, you'd García Márquez and I Cuauhtémoc Sánchez.
If we were hotels, I would be one way and your one of five stars.
If we were cars, you'd be a Mazda and I have a '94 tsuru.
If we were food, your crepes and I'd garnachas.
If we were clothes, zara and me you'd be a pirate hollister.
If we were listening you'd be an opera and I Ricardo Arjona.
In matters of film, you'd be one of Kubrick and I an Adam Sandler comedy.
If we were friends, you'd be Ross and I Russ.
If we milk you'd be Svelty or lala and I would be giving away in the DIF.
If we were a status to fb to you 10 likes and would eliminate me for my ideas.
You are a fav or a unfollow retweet and I safe.
If we cereal, you'd be Frosted Cheerios and me.
If we were phones, you'd be an iPhone and I one of those nokias with bulb.
If we were two and a Half Men, Charlie and I'd be your brother.
cities If we were you would be London and I Chapala. You
courier new and I am the default Arial.
You're the truth and I'm lying.
And despite everything I am, what I was and what I, and all that you are and what you become, you were near me, I kissed your lips, caressed your back and never forget. There will be a blackout. There will be a face unnamed, will be the face of nostalgia, a beautiful face indeed.
Love begins when you start looking for excuses to stop going out on a Saturday night, so at least for me is, I do not make excuses and you swear you would not rather be with anyone else.
Despite knowing that it is not mutual, I do not mind being your plate the second table, even third. Or ask me to go.
And life is divided between those who find you a lovely romantic gesture and those that you are pathetic, hopefully you're the first guy ... And I have some assurance that you are.

Hamilton Beach Microwave Hb-p90d23al

inspired by you.

"Your body next to me, your mind was very far.

"At least I have complete certainty that I will not lie. You do not have that certainty.

-Seeking a rationale for the pathos of this feeling is not reciprocated to be intensifying. She is my karma.

"I woke up and saw his face, and I thought I was dreaming

-will rebuild my memories and replace the faces of those women in the past on your face, your hands will be yours

"You are the path to the impossible, hopeful and pessimistic omen at the same time. Pain are built a beautiful face.

-And if you said this life Is not good enough, i would Give my world to lift you up ♪
(Smooth-Santana feat. Rob Thomas)

- You're beautiful, you're confusing, you're Illogical, you're amazing ♪
(Empty space-Lifehouse)

"If God made all women like you, start to believe in Him

"My time is divided 50% to think of you and 50% on twitter what I think of you.

-Para mi existen dos tipos de mujeres en el mundo: TÚ... y todas las demás.

-If Bowie sang about the man who sold the world, ill write about the girl who brought my love. With her freckles and her beauty.

-Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?
(Do you realize?- Flaming Lips)

-I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned ♪
(Such Great Heights- Postal Service)

-Y no reaches the breeze today, pushing you to where I am, requires more than a hurricane, a sort of great flood.

-twitter like until I go out of fashion, the nacos RIEF stop to America and make a series funnier than Seinfeld.

-I do not care if you really care as long as you do not go.
(Lovefool-The Cardigans)

"I liked going to follow until you twitts

" I am not of those who keep memories but if I did have saved the first loggerhead you bought me.
(Note: it was a delicious Indian. My alcoholism thanks you, my love.)

"Maybe after a thousand chances, I do it well.

  1. Swear that although too long, I think at the moment I met you.
  2. jealousy until I have thought that someone else can remember loved.
  3. When I'm around you I'm happy, I want you to remember anyone.
  4. I swear that I did not understand why you see me fascinated.

(Swear-Ely Guerra. )

"I remember when I asked stroking" to all play well? " I stayed quiet as he remembered. (Cont)
"I said no and said" I suspect you're lying to me again. "

"And he sighed in his sleep.

-looked drops illuminated by lightning, and every time she breathed, sighed, and every time I thought, I thought of you.
(Pedro Paramo Juan Rulfo)

-T want a poetic form, and I can t just want a platonic way. If you love me, I become what I am all

-And i keep chasing freedom, and i keep feeling lonely, and i dont want Commitment. And i keep choosing emptyness INSTEAD pain.

"To me it is very difficult to be in a relationship, I look for defects, excuses. But being in love is I'm very good. (Cont)
-Meeting in Platonic beauty that does not compare with interpersonal relationships.
"My mental image of you is better than your image of the flesh.
"The beauty of platonic love is do not make dramas if they are unfaithful, I can fantasize about 5 at a time and no calls me.

-The timeless tragedy of love is to be dependent on independent persons.

"There are women all life, with any clothing or hairstyle, the way they look, they'll look beautiful.

"Your love you know you can not see your buttocks as something heavenly ..

- "a lie over and go to another room."

"That causes more problems, tell the truth or tell many lies I asked. No matter the problems, I'm friends with the truth, "he said.

"Life for me is divided into the times when I think I can do everything and where I have the certainty that there is nothing to be done.

"She hates the commercial cinema does not support the authors who write for selling ... And yet, listening to Lady GaGa.

"Why do you always see things end so intense?

"And it was the lord of the flowers and walked and cut the saw, and was already back.

"You have tattooed a big" FUCK IT "on the back.

-I dont want to feel like this, its not what i Planned at all.
(The Walk-Imogen Heap)

"The first time I saw you went to a concert, we take drugs, we kiss, we left antrum,
-and told all you were my girlfriend. (Clarification: I was very stoned)
"The second time I saw you asleep at your side and I did things I had not done with anyone else. Specific sexual SOMETHING.
"I think the third time I see you should get married, you say?
"I can say to someone dressed up as Elvis.
(Note: The third time we met, she took me to hospital at 3am. Rev. pretty hard not good things?)

"You are all forms of love, of suffering , madness. Would be needed to describe a thousand poets.

"There's a place called heaven and is beneath you.

-You make me want things that do not want to believe. "I love


" I love you with all my tweets.

"Give me another chance to give a good first impression.

"If I could retwittearte, reproduce, copy you, clone you.

"My twitt 2500 is for her, my first thought of the day as well.

"My biggest mistake was to go home instead of going to cave.

"The only difference between a fad and an eternal passion is that the caprice lasts a little more often .- Oscar Wilde.

-And you keep running, running away from me, But i wont chase you. I wont chase pain.

"I read everything you've ever written and cumplirte everything you've ever dreamed.

"You're better than a blot after 6 months of abstinence.
"You're better than an ice cold Cheve a sunny afternoon.
"You're better than my tweets trying to be romantic.

-Good luck with ur exams, i said. I dont need luck, luck is what u Need when u fall for someone with bipolar disorder. Indeed.

"I misunderstood.

"Life would be better if people PENIS more often scream and kiss in the subway no matter the gentlemen who see them.

-View freckles on your nose to fall asleep

"Your total lack of order and hygiene seem charming and sexy.

"She is so in love with herself.

"I was told that 1. have the best back I've seen. 2. conmadre kiss. 3. Best bite. 4. your skin is so soft
-5. 're super messed up. 6. cool dance well. 7. your eyes are so cute. 8. Your lips are so rich. 9. you're adorable.
-10. you are super bossy. 11. I know I've said, but you're super fucked up. 12. your laugh is adorable. -13. your voice too.
-14. clothing mother sees you. 15. here i go again .. you are so screwed up.

"I grabbed the hand with an old, get jealous, but they are kissing 10 people and to the tweet. Women.

. One can not say I'm not romantic ... and obsessive.

* All were written by me, except for those below the name of the song, and paragraph Pedro Páramo.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Putting Spf On Face In Tanning Bed

Airbus A 380 collides with regional jet aircraft. Grave

an Airbus A 380 Air France aircraft collided with a CRJ-700 regional airline Comair, operated by Delta, in JF Kennedy airport in New York.

The A380, with 495 passengers aboard, began its takeoff run when its left wing hit the tail of the aircraft from Comair, which was rolled to park, located in a position where they inadvertently raided on the track.

No one was injured.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monster Energy Brink Fridge

bird strike incident of American Airlines.

for the collision with bird a Boeing 767 of American Airlines American company during the ascent to 12,000 feet above the Paris skyline.

The aircraft hit a flock of birds receiving multiple impacts that affected the structure into several parts.

The most serious of which resulted in the entry of a bird to the cockpit through the P1-1 panel located in the position of captain of the ship, but without injury or affect the operation of systems and flight controls.

; The cockpit images show the severity of the incident.

In February this year, an aircraft of the German company Lufthansa with 296 passengers aboard had to return to Ezeiza after that as a result of a collision birds, one of its turbines will report failures.

Flight 511, bound for Frankfurt (Germany), had to fly over the Rio de la Plata throwing fuel to lighten weight, and power and make a safe landing under manual operation of the aircraft .

The aircraft landed without problems almost 2 hours after departure.

bird strikes are becoming more frequent, perhaps due to increased global air traffic, a new generation of quieter engines and the growing number of wide-body aircraft (wide body).

In our country there are rare incidents and it is important for aviation personnel (pilots, drivers, mechanics, airport operators, etc.) Aware of the importance of using the reporting tools provided, either to inform presence of birds in the airport movement area or to report bird strikes, but this did not have structural implications for the aircraft.

All aviation personnel should be trained and raised awareness of the danger that birds and other wildlife, pose to aviation safety and should be given more publicity to the measures can take preventive.

The establishment and regular meeting of the Airport Committee for Bird / Wildlife Hazard is a fundamental tool to analyze the progress of the program to limit the airport wildlife, discuss the effectiveness of the methods of dispersal and environmental control measures implemented and to propose corrective and overcome in order to mitigate the risk posed by birds and other wildlife for navigation.

See: Bird / Wildlife Hazard

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Masterbate With My Daughter

I would be the heater in your pot, one of the 10mil pillows on your bed, your bra, your blouse or your underwear. I can see the freckles on your nose to fall asleep, I can cross the tips of my fingers through your back and hear you sigh, and be happy. I like you even if you think on a scale of 1 to 10, I am a six in intelligence. I like to bossy. Because you are so arrogant that is adorable. I like you because you say please or thank you, and because seriously thought I was going to wash the dishes, ha! illusory. It excites me your complete and total lack of hygiene and order. Who was the savanna on which you engage to download and explain how it should be done your meal. Watch your back, hug your body, you turn around and stay quiet observing the ring in your right hand, and wonder the story behind it. And I wonder if one of those many movies that say they saw actually saw or all were just the beginning and catch. If you could see yourself as I see you, you would understand my silence uncomfortable and my sweaty hands, you would understand that you seem so attractive that it is impossible not move and you blow your load on me ...