Friday, April 8, 2011

Monster Energy Brink Fridge

bird strike incident of American Airlines.

for the collision with bird a Boeing 767 of American Airlines American company during the ascent to 12,000 feet above the Paris skyline.

The aircraft hit a flock of birds receiving multiple impacts that affected the structure into several parts.

The most serious of which resulted in the entry of a bird to the cockpit through the P1-1 panel located in the position of captain of the ship, but without injury or affect the operation of systems and flight controls.

; The cockpit images show the severity of the incident.

In February this year, an aircraft of the German company Lufthansa with 296 passengers aboard had to return to Ezeiza after that as a result of a collision birds, one of its turbines will report failures.

Flight 511, bound for Frankfurt (Germany), had to fly over the Rio de la Plata throwing fuel to lighten weight, and power and make a safe landing under manual operation of the aircraft .

The aircraft landed without problems almost 2 hours after departure.

bird strikes are becoming more frequent, perhaps due to increased global air traffic, a new generation of quieter engines and the growing number of wide-body aircraft (wide body).

In our country there are rare incidents and it is important for aviation personnel (pilots, drivers, mechanics, airport operators, etc.) Aware of the importance of using the reporting tools provided, either to inform presence of birds in the airport movement area or to report bird strikes, but this did not have structural implications for the aircraft.

All aviation personnel should be trained and raised awareness of the danger that birds and other wildlife, pose to aviation safety and should be given more publicity to the measures can take preventive.

The establishment and regular meeting of the Airport Committee for Bird / Wildlife Hazard is a fundamental tool to analyze the progress of the program to limit the airport wildlife, discuss the effectiveness of the methods of dispersal and environmental control measures implemented and to propose corrective and overcome in order to mitigate the risk posed by birds and other wildlife for navigation.

See: Bird / Wildlife Hazard


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